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economic stream ~

Asian Economic Monitor
Hong Kong by the Numbers
This report has been prepared by UBS Securities Asia Limited




zChina Economic Update

Subject: 大摩:中国将迎 经济降至5%时刻


大摩在过去两年中曾详细介绍,中国的“两个过度”(过度负债和过度投资)必然不可持续,一旦停止将造成中国经济大规模放缓。近几周,在考察了一些地区,并对中国的影子银行(行情专区)进行深入研究之后,大摩相信中国正在接近“明斯基时刻”,“两个过度”无序崩溃的可能性进一步增加。随着越来越多的贷款被用作非生产性投资和用来偿还旧债,中国经济的信贷生产效率已经恶化。    (read more)

冉学东:人民币汇率加速下跌 房地产企业首当其冲


Rick Santelli Exposes The Real Enemy

Bankers and governments love inflation because “if you owe a lot of people a lot of money, there’s nothing better than to pay it back with cheaper money”  said CNBC’s Rick Santelli.

So, at the cost of living standards for the lower/middle class, the government inflates its debt away – so who is the real enemy?

watch –

The world of high-frequency algorithmic trading

Michael Lewis was on “60 Minutes” explained the mechanism by which high-frequency traders get ahead of retail orders to inflate the price you have to pay for a stock.

Lewis:  “You place an order for a stock, say, Microsoft. That order goes to something called the BATS exchange, at which point high-frequency traders pick up on your order and then race to the exchange with an order for Microsoft faster than you can get there. They buy Microsoft and bring it back to you at an inflated price.”




 sustainability stream ~


‘The Age Of Renewables Is Beginning ‘


The age of renewables is upon us, Citi says.

In a new note titled “The Age of Renewables is Beginning – A Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE),” Perspective, Citi’s alternative energy team led by Shar Pourreza, writes that we can expect across-the-board price decreases in solar and wind, which will continue to fuel the renewable energy generation boom.

Renewables energy, primarily solar and wind, costs continue to decline and are increasingly competitive with natural gas peakers (natgas plants that turn on during periods of high demand — ed.) and CCGT (combined cycle gas turbine) plants on an LCOE (the lifecycle cost of an electricity generation system — ed.) basis.    (read more )


technology stream ~

Is This The Official Image Of The Market Top?

We were in talks about maybe bringing a version of Minecraft to Oculus. I just cancelled that deal. Facebook creeps me out.

Now,  can we get the real hope of tech….real, not virtual !!

Well, cloud will do ??…..


How Microsoft, Amazon, gave birth to a bevy of cloud startups

 by Emily Parkhurst

In April 2007, about 200 startup entrepreneurs filed into an old warehouse in Seattle’s Capitol Hill neighborhood for a wine and cheese party hosted by Amazon and Seattle venture capital firm Madrona Venture Group.

The founders of a new company called Smartsheet gave a quick presentation to explain how they were using a new service called Amazon Web Services to grow their business.

“That was the first public event evangelizing AWS, and it was right here in Seattle,” said Matt McIlwain, the managing director of Madrona who arranged the event. It was also the first sign that Seattle was the place where cloud innovation would grow into a multibillion-dollar industry.    ( read more )


east stream ~



網路好文轉貼 –

轉:文章供各位參閱:兒子說同學們都很崇拜在立法院裡抗爭的學生,敢把立法院的招牌給拆下來,覺得很酷,還說同學們都很想加入他們~  兒子問我服貿是什麼,為什麼同學都說抗爭就是愛台灣,為什麼同學的爸爸說賺不到錢都是政府害的。我對他說出了自己的看法,並寫下這封信給立法院裡外的孩子們。親愛的孩子:看到在立法院裡抗爭的你們,讓我想起與你年紀相仿時候的我,努力於學業,幫忙負擔家計,也會關心國家大事,但從不用激烈的手段。台灣的經濟是人民胼手胝足打拼來的。  ( read more )


 「民王」二字,然後說:「我就是民主少一點!」          「人民做主」不等同「我做主」


social stream ~ 

Turbulent Past, Uncertain Future

China’s history is not a thing of the past and eminent historian Jonathan Spence explains why

By Huang Shan and Long Zhouyuan

(Beijing) –British-born public intellectual, Jonathan Spence, has just released the 3rd edition of his most acclaimed work, “The Search for Modern China,” in the United States. This book, a survey of Chinese history spanning from the dawn of the Qing dynasty to the present day, emerged from his introductory courses given at Yale University, where Spence served as Sterling Professor of History for 15 years.         ( read more )








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