Our Globo 咱們天地

Our Glōbo


Based in the lush Pacific Northwest, with colleagues and friends spanning the globe, Our Globo labor to advance the practices of stewardship of our resources in order to leave a lasting legacy for our future generations. Through the principles of sustainable development, we aim to create eco products and solutions that will satisfy market needs with minimal burden to nature. It is an exciting journey to witness the daily advancement in our quest.

We support educational programs such as the Sustainable Schools Initiative that we believe can help build the educational base for a sustainable future. We are encouraged by our members, our partners, our communities, and our friends.

The eco GO Jacket is our first creation based upon its practical use for our children and grandchildren. Under our theme of resource stewardship, we have selected criteria to use sensible, renewable materials as well as recycled polyester as the foundation for our apparel line.

We are the first to admit that we do not have perfectly “sustainable” or eco solutions. We see current choices as “transition strategies.” Price, functionality, and availability are all factors. To live wisely, Our Glōbo seeks to explore, learn, and engage with others as we travel toward a sustaining and hopeful future for current and upcoming generations.

We feel we are at the beginning of a long and exciting journey. We seek to combine our business experiences with deep personal values in order to open another positive path leading to a sustaining future. Our simple goal is to engage with fellow travelers to design and produce products that are socially, environmentally, and economically positive. Along our journey, we are looking for the wisest business opportunities, partners, and suppliers. It is indeed an exciting exploration, and we are discovering and learning more each day. Thank you to all who have shared their knowledge and experience!


  • 「你脫我拿」,似乎是家中有幼幼兒的父母「共同的舉動」
  • 沒錯!當遇到氣候溫差變化時,幼幼兒身上的那件夾克外套,自然就變在媽媽手中,拿著。對嗎?也沒甚麼不對!
  • 只是如果能將那件外套摺成背包,讓喜歡模仿大人的幼幼兒「自己背著」,那不是「皆大歡喜」?!–

有了這個深刻體驗之後,一群美國西北區的父母親與祖父母們便開始經營 Our Globo 公司締造:

eco GO Backpack Jackets …

魔術背包夾克簡要介紹 A  版  

魔術背包夾克簡要介紹 B  版



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